Indoor wayfinding

Interactive maps based on an open SVG file format can be modified online, with no restrictions on its look.
Indoor wayfinding
reasons to implement indoor wayfinding:
  • Way-finding. Interactive maps can modifiable online with no limitations on its looks.
  • Catalog. Flexible, tree-structured catalog to organize locations, assets and services  within the building.
  • Advertising. Earn from advertising, while the kiosks are in standby mode.
  • Marketing campaigns. Let tenants run their marketing campaigns automatically, with highlights on the map or with digital signage.
  • Analytics. Make your building even smarter by analyzing  visitor interactions with the navigation system.
  • Integrations. Simple integrations of the map and catalog into your website and mobile apps.


Why is indoor wayfinding so difficult?

Google maps works great for outdoors, but not for indoors. One of the reasons is that the GPS signal from the satellites can't penetrate buildings to show you where you are exactly within the building. The other is that buildings change on the inside way more often than on the outside and the satellites can't look inside to see what new shops are opened. Indoor wayfinding solutions have to be integrated with the buildings management systems as well to provide actual and relevant information to the visitors and that's not always easy.

How do you pick the right indoor wayfinding solution?

There are very many indoor wayfinding solutions, here are a few points you should pay attention to:
  1. Cost of creating the map. It can vary depending on the area or the number of rooms/shops/offices.
  2. Cost of license. Are updates included in the license? Will you have a direct line to support in case of issues?
  3. Map changes. Who will be doing them? How much will it cost? If it will be your employee, make sure to add the costs of training/ Possibly it will be cheaper to outsource this, check with the solution providers, if they can't help you with this, it should be a red flag.
  4. Map integrations. Can the map be simply integrated into your website and the mobile app? Ask for sample code to show to your developers.
  5. Map customization. Can you tune the map to your liking? Find out about all restrictions before commiting to a solution.
  6. SLA (Service level agreement). Does the SLA satisfy your business requirements?
  7. Flexibility. Can the solution be customized to fit  with your unique requirements? If so, at what rates?

Does Tango Vision support accessible routes?

Yes, we believe it's very important for mothers with baby strollers or people in wheelchairs to be able to move around without any hassles. With a click of a button we can switch the routing engine to only show directions via elevators, ignoring stairs and escalators.

Can routes be shared with other people via a link?

Sure, you can send a link with directions from point A to B. A link can also be encoded in a QR code, printed out and placed in locations where lots of people might need similar directions. 

Can the wayfinding module be embedded into other systems?

Yes, Tango Vision comes with an web SDK and an API, which makes it possible to embed wayfinding into any solutions that might benefit from this added value. Some possible use cases are for asset management, facility management, interactive navigation, booking services, tenant experience management or even quests and location-based games. 

Can the wayfinding module receive data from external systems?

Yes, integrations via APIs are supported, please contact us with a specific request.

Can the floor plans be updated automatically from facility management software?

Most likely yes, we might need some time to tweak our machine learning algorithm to get the desired results. Please contacts us, providing the file which will be the source of truth for indoor wayfinding.

Can the wayfinding solution help people find each other faster in large buildings?

Sure. People can share their location with each other and quickly meet even in noisy places.